
“Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.”

~Eleanor Roosevelt

That is all.

The Rebel gene

Note: I’ve been sitting on this post for a while, and although it’s not to my liking, I’d rather publish and put it out there than keep sitting on it. So here goes:
noun: rebel; plural noun: rebels
  1. 1.
    a person who rises in opposition or armed resistance against an established government or ruler.

So to “rebel” is to do something against something established.I would push that definition to include to do something that feels “wrong”. That’s against the rules.

Therefore, I believe that we all have a rebel gene.Firstly, it’s probably not a gene. That’s just some shit I made up. But basically, I believe that we all have something in our DNA (i.e. something we can’t change, eliminate, or even add, something we don’t have a choice over), that makes us NEED to do certain things that are against the rules. That wants us to do something, anything, that FEELS wrong, illegal, or bad, that we know we shouldn’t do. I think that, to various degrees, we each can control it differently, but we all have it. Just like any other “gene”, it’s stronger in others, and some have more or less control over the “rebel urges” than others. Just like each of us has different levels of control over other “human impulses”. From having a drink, to murdering someone, humans all have “urges” (come on, don’t tell me you’ve never thought of killing that asshole) that they control to various degrees. Hence why you and I aren’t in prison for murder, and some are.

So what does “against the rules” mean? Well, that’s another variable.

If you have strong morals/values, than many things are against the rules. Jaywalking can feel to you as rebellious as killing does for someone who has very little morals/values. Your rules just don’t come from the same place. And rules can be both internal (i.e. your core values, what YOU think is wrong or right), or external (i.e. the society you live in, the laws of your government, etc). But bottom line, I believe that everyone eventually wants, no, needs to break some type of rules at some point. In our society, killing a cat is wrong. In other societies, eating a cat is normal. So for us to eat a cat would be a “rebellious” act and feed the rebel urge, but in other places, it would be a normal recurrence.

Think about stuff you do that you feel is wrong. Smoking, drinking, NOT working out, coming in late to work, leaving early, the aforementioned jaywalking… Next time you do one of those things, and we both know you “break the rules” on a daily basis, think about how that makes you feel? That little sparkle deep inside that feels “satisfying” that you did something you weren’t supposed to.

So, some people control this better than others. Some can do occasional things that are against the rules. Some need to do this on a daily basis, others, hourly. Some can feed the urge with a simple wrongdoing, others need to go to extremes to feel satisfied.

So they say that the first step is to admitting that you have a problem… If you admit that you have this gene (not that it’s problem, it’s just a fact of life, but realizing that it exists is the first step to noticing it, and hopefully understanding it, and then controlling it), and start to recognize the patterns, you’ll quickly realize when you do it, how it makes you feel when you do feed the urge, and hopefully, WHY you do it, and then you can start figuring out if it’s a “white lie” type of rule breaking, or a major “illegal” type rule breaking, and will therefore make it easier to change…

Think about it. Try to notice it. And let me know what you think in the comments.

Do this.

Sivers is slowly becoming my new Ferriss. Coincidentally, they are friends.

Do this. Directives – part 1 | Derek Sivers


First see “just tell me what to do” for context.

These directives will take another form some day, with more details and references. And there are many more to come.

But I decided to post this outline now, bceause so many people have asked for these since Tim’s show.

Please post thoughts or questions, below. I’ll answer the questions in future posts.

How to be useful to others

1. Get famous.

Do everything in public and for the public.

The more people you reach, the more useful you are.

The opposite is hiding, which is of no use to anyone.

2. Get rich.

Money is neutral proof you’re adding value to people’s lives.

So, by getting rich, you’re being useful as a side-effect.

Once rich, spend the money in ways that are even more useful to others.

Then getting rich is double-useful.

3. Share strong opinions.

Strong opinions are very useful to others.

Those who were undecided or ambivalent can just adopt your stance.

But those who disagree can solidify their stance by arguing against yours.

Even if you invent an opinion for the sole sake of argument, boldly sharing a strong opinion is very useful to others.

4. Be expensive.

People given a placebo pill were twice as likely to have their pain disappear when told the pill was expensive.

People who paid more for tickets were more likely to attend the performance.

People who spend more for a product or service value it more, and get more use out of it.

How to get rich

1. Live where luck strikes.

Live where everything is happening,

where the money is flowing,

where careers are being made,

where your role models live.

Once there, be as in the game as anyone can be.

Be right in the middle of everything.

2. Say yes to everything.

Meet everyone.

Pursue every opportunity.

Nothing is too small. Do it all.

Like lottery tickets. You never know which one will win. So the more, the better.

Follow-up and keep in touch with everyone.

3. Learn the multiplying skills.

Speaking, writing, psychology, design, conversation, 2nd language, persuasion, programming, meditation/focus.

Not pursued on their own, they’re skills that multiply the success of your main pursuit.

(A pilot who’s also a great writer and public speaker.)

(A chef with a mastery of psychology, persuasion, and design.)

These skills multiply the results of your efforts, and give you an edge over others in your field.

4. Pursue market value not personal value.

Do what pays well.

Do not be the starving artist, working on things that have great personal value to you, but little market value.

Follow the money. It tells you where you’re most valuable.

Don’t try to make a career out of everything you love. For example, sex.

5. Shamelessly imitate success.

Imitate the best strategies of your competitors.

The market doesn’t care about your personal need to be unique.

It’s selfless and humble to use the best ideas regardless of source, to create the best service or product for your clients.

Get great at executing other people’s ideas as well as your own.

6. Be the owner, not just inventor.

It’s tempting to try to be the ideas person, having someone else do the dirty work of making those ideas happen.

Ideas don’t make you rich. Great execution of ideas does.

A rule of capitalism: whoever takes the most financial risk gets the rewards.

The biggest rewards will always go to those that fund it and own it.

To get rich, be the owner. Own as close to 100% as possible.

7. Benefit from human nature.

Instead of complaining about the downside of human nature, find ways to benefit from it.

Instead of complaining about the rules, just learn the game, then play it.

How to thrive in an unknowable future

1. Prepare for the worst.

Since you have no idea what the future may bring, be open to the best and the worst.

But the best case scenario doesn’t need your preparation or your attention.

So mentally and financially prepare for the worst case, instead.

Like insurance, don’t obsess on it. Just prepare, then carry on appreciating the good times.

2. Expect disaster.

Every biography of a successful person has that line, “And then, things took a turn for the worse.”

Fully expect that disaster to come to you at any time.

Completely assume it’s going to happen, and make your plans accordingly.

Not just money, but health, family, freedom. Expect it all to disappear.

Besides, you appreciate things more when you know this may be your last time seeing them.

3. Own as little as possible.

Depend on even less.

The less you own, the less you’re affected by disaster.

4. Choose opportunity, not loyalty.

Have no loyalty to location, corporation, or your past public statements.

Be an absolute opportunist, doing whatever is best for the future in the current situation, unbound by the past.

Have loyalty for only your most important human relationships.

5. Choose the plan with the most options.

The best plan is the one that lets you change your plans.

(Example: renting a house is buying the option to move at any time without losing money in a changing market.)

6. Avoid planning.

For maximum options, don’t plan at all.

Since you have no idea how the situation or your mood may change in the future, wait until the last moment to make each decision.

How to like people

1. Assume it’s their last day.

Everyone talks about living like it’s your last day on earth.

Instead, to appreciate someone, live like it’s their last day on earth.

Treat them accordingly. Try to fulfill their dreams for the day.

Really listen to them. Learn from them.

2. Be who you’d be when alone.

You could live in a crowd, pleasing only others.

You could live in solitude, pleasing only yourself.

But ideally, when in a crowd, be the same person you’d be when alone.

3. Assume men and women are the same.

Men think women are so different from them.

Women think men are so different from them.

But the differences among men and differences among women are far greater than the differences between men and women.

So counteract your tendency to exaggerate the differences.

Assume men and women are the same.

4. Always make new friends.

As you grow and change, old friends and family will be unintentionally invested in maintaining you as you were before.

Let go of people that don’t welcome and encourage your change.

5. Avoid harming the relationship.

For long-term relationship success, it’s more effective than seeking the positive.

A friendship that may take years to develop can be ruined by a single action.

6. Act calm and kind.

Regardless of how you feel.

7. Don’t try to change them.

… unless they asked you to.

Don’t teach a lesson.

Stop trying to change people who don’t think they have a problem.

8. Find wisdom in your opponents.

Really engage those who think opposite of you.

You already know the ideas common on your own side.

9. Purge the vampires.

Get rid of people that drain you, that don’t make you feel good about yourself.

They make you hate all people.

What to do when you get successful

1. Change yes to “Hell yeah!” or no.

Once successful, you need to switch strategies.

To get successful, you had to say yes to everything.

Now if you continue doing that, you’ll drown in all the opportunities.

Now say no to anything that makes you say anything less than “Hell yeah!

2. Keep momentum.

The temptation is to take it easy.

But like swinging on jungle vines, if you stop that forward motion you can never get it back.

How to stop being rich and happy

1. Prioritize lifestyle design.

You’ve made it, so it’s all about you, now. Make your dreams come true.

Shape your surroundings to please your every desire.

Make your immediate gratification the most important thing.

2. Chase that comparison moment.

You have the old thing. You want the new thing. Yes! Do it! Be happy for a week.

Ignore the fact that the happiness only comes from the moment of comparison between the old and new.

Once you’ve had your new thing for a week, and it becomes the new norm, seek happiness from another new thing.

3. Buy, not rent.

Why rent a house, castle, boat, or car, when you can buy?

It’s not about the thing, it’s about identity. This shows who you are now.

4. Internalize your new status.

You worked hard to get here. Celebrate. Relax.

Admit you are in a different class of people now, with different needs.

Understand there is no going back.

5. Be a connoisseur.

Learn what others say is the finest.

Insist on only the finest.

You will now be unhappy with anything but the finest.

6. Get to know your possessions.

Now that you own the best, it’s time to focus on what you’ve got.

Learn all about the features of your new possessions.

Spend more time getting your surround sound and heated floor just right.

Work out the solar panel charging of your Tesla car. This is important.

7. Acclimate to comfort.

Eliminate every discomfort from your life.

Blame others when the world seems hard, and is not living up to your standards.